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Sixburgh - A mad Ben coming back (cit.)

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view post Posted on 19/10/2010, 17:36

CITAZIONE (Cappanera @ 19/10/2010, 13:59)
La cosa cher mi ha lasciato lì è che forse sia Tomlin che Harrison si siano calati un pò troppo nello smash mouth style. ..
Harrison (fonte dichiara bellamente che a lui non interessa se un giocatore si fa male, anzi, se riesce a dare un colpo e ''if the player is sidelined for the rest of the game'' si sente felice perchè ha fatto un buon lavoro...
dichiarazioni stupide, sbruffone e oltretutto pericolose IMHO.

posso essere d'accordo sui tuoi commenti circa la dichiarazione, ma non verremo mica credere che harrison sia l'unico a pensarla così, vero?
view post Posted on 19/10/2010, 21:52

Jamie se la cava con 75mila $ di multa, ma alla prossima asfaltata rischia la sospensione...e arriverà perchè lui continuerà a giocare alla stessa maniera.
view post Posted on 20/10/2010, 08:13

"I'm going to sit down and have a serious conversation with my coach tomorrow and see if I can actually play by NFL rules and still be effective," Harrison said. "If not, I may have to give up playing football."

Mah... :blink: :wacko: :huh:
view post Posted on 20/10/2010, 15:36

CITAZIONE (Rock86 @ 20/10/2010, 09:13)
"I'm going to sit down and have a serious conversation with my coach tomorrow and see if I can actually play by NFL rules and still be effective," Harrison said. "If not, I may have to give up playing football."

che si traduce in pago io o tu???
view post Posted on 20/10/2010, 17:11


In the wake of being fined $75,000 by the NFL for a hit on Mohamed Massaquoi, James Harrison met with Coach Mike Tomlin on Wednesday morning. Following that meeting, Tomlin excused Harrison from the rest of the day's work activities, including meetings and practice

view post Posted on 20/10/2010, 17:52

Sono perplesso.

T. Brady on J. Harrison's retirement threat: 'I'd love for him to retire. If he retired, it would make me very happy.' :lol:

Edited by Rock86 - 20/10/2010, 19:10
view post Posted on 20/10/2010, 18:22

CITAZIONE (Rock86 @ 20/10/2010, 18:52)

Sono perplesso.

T. Brady on J. Harrison's retirement threat: 'I'd love for him to retire. If he retired, it would make me very happy.' :lol:

mi sa che dovrà ripeterlo lunedì, al passato
view post Posted on 20/10/2010, 18:59

Dai, è solo incazzato come una biscia.
view post Posted on 20/10/2010, 20:09

CITAZIONE (whatarush @ 18/10/2010, 14:09)
La prevent, si sa, non piace a nessuno e a Pittsburgh, vista la tradizione e il modo di intendere la difesa, francamente dovrebbe essere dichiarata illegale.

dimmi un po' a chi piace.... :D
a me pare la cosa più pericolosa del mondo a meno che non sei sopra di 21 con mezzo quarto da giocare....
view post Posted on 21/10/2010, 22:51

"After having some time to think about the situation, talk to my family, friends and the Steelers organization, I have come to the decision that I cannot and will not let the league office stop me from playing the game I love.

"I am all for player safety and I agree that some of the rule changes that have been made are good for the game. As far as my situation, I believe the hit against Massaquoi for which I was fined was legal and well within the scope of the rules. I feel the real reason for the fine was the statement I made after the game wherein I said that I try to hurt people, not injure them. In the same sentence, I attempted to clarify my meaning, but I understand that my comments leave a lot open to interpretation. The statement was not well-thought out and I did not adequately convey my meaning.

"I apologize for making that statement and I want it to be known that I have never and would never intentionally try to injure any player. I believe that my statements, along with the hits that happened in other games this past Sunday and the subsequent media storm, are the reasons I was fined on what I know was a clean hit.

"I will not retire from the NFL. I will continue to play the game with the same passion, intensity and focus with which I have always played and let the chips fall where they may. I have never given up, quit or walked away from anything in my life and I am not about to start now. I will not let down my family, friends or the Steelers Nation."

Ok, bene. Ma la prossima volta qualcuno gli dica di contare fino a tremilaseicentoventisei prima di aprire la bocca. :D
view post Posted on 22/10/2010, 10:36

CITAZIONE (Rock86 @ 21/10/2010, 23:51)
"After having some time to think about the situation, talk to my family, friends and the Steelers organization, I have come to the decision that I cannot and will not let the league office stop me from playing the game I love.

"I am all for player safety and I agree that some of the rule changes that have been made are good for the game. As far as my situation, I believe the hit against Massaquoi for which I was fined was legal and well within the scope of the rules. I feel the real reason for the fine was the statement I made after the game wherein I said that I try to hurt people, not injure them. In the same sentence, I attempted to clarify my meaning, but I understand that my comments leave a lot open to interpretation. The statement was not well-thought out and I did not adequately convey my meaning.

"I apologize for making that statement and I want it to be known that I have never and would never intentionally try to injure any player. I believe that my statements, along with the hits that happened in other games this past Sunday and the subsequent media storm, are the reasons I was fined on what I know was a clean hit.

"I will not retire from the NFL. I will continue to play the game with the same passion, intensity and focus with which I have always played and let the chips fall where they may. I have never given up, quit or walked away from anything in my life and I am not about to start now. I will not let down my family, friends or the Steelers Nation."

Ok, bene. Ma la prossima volta qualcuno gli dica di contare fino a tremilaseicentoventisei prima di aprire la bocca. :D

vabbè ma tu per un nanosecondo ci hai creduto?
lui prima di frignare ci ha pensato benissimo....l'ha fatto proprio apposta,così la prossima volta prima di multarlo ci penseranno 2 volte a fargli sollevare 'sto polverone....
view post Posted on 22/10/2010, 10:39

CITAZIONE (pippo1977 @ 22/10/2010, 11:36)
CITAZIONE (Rock86 @ 21/10/2010, 23:51)
Ok, bene. Ma la prossima volta qualcuno gli dica di contare fino a tremilaseicentoventisei prima di aprire la bocca. :D

vabbè ma tu per un nanosecondo ci hai creduto?
lui prima di frignare ci ha pensato benissimo....l'ha fatto proprio apposta,così la prossima volta prima di multarlo ci penseranno 2 volte a fargli sollevare 'sto polverone....

Se qualcuno ci abbia creduto o meno non è importante, ha fatto un'uscita del cazzo che si poteva benissimo risparmiare. Tutto qui.
view post Posted on 24/10/2010, 18:03

ho visto pochi secondi trasmessi ora di una specie di danza con mcfadden in mezzo....
quei pochi secondi non mi sembravano in perfetto stile smash mouth o come si chiama....
cambio di rotta? :D
view post Posted on 24/10/2010, 21:12

"[...] we also have to have clear evidence of the team recovering the ball, after review we do not have clear evidence of the defense recovering the football therefor Pittsburgh will have the ball, fourth and goal at the half yard line."


Boh, non ero a conoscenza di questo cavillo regolamentare, dire chi aveva la palla in quel mucchio selvaggio è dura, pensavo sinceramente l'avesse Miami... però oh, prendo e porto a casa.

A parte questo, non ho capito il perchè di quella chiamata da parte di Tomlin. Dare la palla a Redman, brutto? Chiamata assurda a mio avviso.

Complimenti alla OL di Miami, nel secondo tempo ha fatto un lavoro pazzesco. Aiutati dalle assenze di Woodley e Smith (il secondo sembra più grave del primo) hanno sempre dato una tonnellata di tempo a Henne.

MVP della partita, a parte Ben (le stats sui terzi down sono paranormali) e Hines, Emmanuel Sanders che dopo il pirmo fumble ci ha sempre dato grandissime posizioni di campo.

Jason Worilds, mica male il ragazzo! Anche se forse ci servirebbe un altro corpaccione per la DL, Charles Grant mi sembra sia a piedi...
view post Posted on 24/10/2010, 21:14

Se mi permettete, una delle cose più vergognose che abbia mai visto nell'NFL.
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