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IR policy

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icon13  view post Posted on 10/10/2010, 09:17 by: buree

IR regulation

This is the site we will use for reference:
(that could change in the future if deemed necessary)

To be permitted to legally set a player on IR he needs to be listed on that page as out for at least 10 days, where the following specifics apply:

- "out indefinitely", "I-R" => IR ok
- "early" = 7th day of the month
- "mid" = 16th day of the month
- "late" = 30th day of the month
- "ques", "prob", "day to day" => NO IR

if a player is listed as “mid october“ he can be set as IR only within october 5th (supposed to be back available on 16th → out 10 days).
if a player is listed as “late october“ he can be set as IR only within october 19th.
if a player is listed as “early november“ he can be set as IR only as long as there are at least 4 days left in the current month.

The system used is self-certification, with penalties (to be determined) for teams caught breaking the rule.
You don't need to ask for permission before putting your injured players on IR, but you need to check the aforementioned site to verify they meet the required conditions.
Please note that the log in the league homepage shows your IR changes and keeps track of them.
Any time they notice a suspect IR move, GMs are encouraged to check (a click is all it takes) if such move was compliant with the rule and report in this thread any infraction.

As you can see, the site we use for reference lists the last time the prognosis for return was updated: in case of infractions, penalties will be applied only if the last update occurred before (or on the same day) the moment the player was put on IR.

Once a player is set as IR the system will keep him unavailable for full 2 weeks.
Please remind this before putting a player on IR. Only after those 2 weeks the GM will have the chance to unlock the IR status and use that player again.

Once the player is back playing, the system will prevent his team from making any roster move until its GM will have removed him from IR status (just like happened on yahoo).

Edited by kachlex - 13/10/2010, 09:13
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